Keenan Wallace Dunham

Libertarian for President 2024

End Conflict...

Legal Immigration

Path to Citizenship vs Illegal Immigration

-What is Illegal about Immigration?

1. “Illegal Immigrants” is an incorrect terminology, there are no Illegal Immigrants, only undocumented immigrants and documented immigrants

2. Punishments against being visible discourage documentation; ie. threats of deportation, detainment, loss of benefits. All punishments to seeking documentation because of the false stigma of “Illegal Immigration” discourage both seeking citizenship and being visible or documented.

3. The solution is to have a peaceful, step-by-step process from undocumented to VISA to Green Card to Full Citizenship without ANY threats of detainments or deportation discouraging being documented.

4. The secondary problem of finding violent felons can be washed out by requiring any immigrant to have a photo ID, and through the documentation process violent felons would be barred from becoming full citizens and background checks would be required for VISA, Green Card and Full Citizenship.

5. Finally, the only barring to becoming a citizen should be violent felonies, so the archaic 100-year-old rule of “liable to become public charge” rule needs to be abolished as it can be interpreted to bar sick, pregnant, mentally lacking, poor, or disabled immigrants from entering the USA, seeking citizenship, documentation status and the Trump admin tried to deport immigrants based on this rule. Why should a disabled or pregnant person not seek citizenship? This is a barbaric and callous rule that is contested in the courts currently and the Trump administration was blocked from fully executing it.

To reform immigration we need to separate each issue and address the process in a humane manner giving all immigrants a path to citizenship.

My campaign proposes having unlimited Photo ID workers visas available for working adult immigrants. All deportations and detainments must stop immediately. Finally, the “liable to become public charge” rule should be abolished forever. With these changes enacted any immigrant can seek citizenship peacefully and the path to citizenship is never mired or conflated with “illegal” status for someone seeking citizenship.

As far as our relationship with Mexico, we should be partners in fighting cartels with Mexico, and have an individual trade deal with Mexico as they are one of our closest neighbors. They should be close partners with us and we should share ideas and technology with Mexico as our number one trading partner.

Camino a la ciudadanía en oposicion a la inmigración ilegal

-¿Qué tiene de ilegal la inmigración?

1. “Inmigrantes ilegales” es una terminología incorrecta, no

hay inmigrantes ilegales, solo inmigrantes indocumentados

e inmigrantes documentados.

2. Los castigos contra la visibilidad desalientan la

documentación; es decir. amenazas de deportación,

detención, pérdida de beneficios. Todos los castigos a la

búsqueda de documentación debido al falso estigma de la

"Inmigración Ilegal" desalientan tanto la búsqueda de la

ciudadanía como ser visible o documentado.

3. La solución es tener un proceso pacífico, paso a paso,

desde indocumentados a VISA, tarjeta verde

hasta ciudadanía plena sin NINGUNA amenaza de detenciones

o deportación que desalienten ser documentados.

4. El problema secundario de encontrar delincuentes violentos

puede desaparecer al exigir a cualquier inmigrante que tenga

una identificación con foto, y a través del proceso de

documentación se les prohibirá a los delincuentes violentos

convertirse en ciudadanos plenos y se requerirán verificaciones

de antecedentes para VISA, Green Card y Full Ciudadanía.

5. Finalmente, el único impedimento para convertirse en

ciudadano deben ser los delitos violentos, por lo que

la arcaica regla de los 100 años de la regla de "sujeto a

carga pública" debe ser abolida, ya que puede interpretarse

para prohibir la enfermedad, el embarazo y la enfermedad mental.

los inmigrantes que carecen, pobres o discapacitados ingresan

a los EE. UU., buscan la ciudadanía, el estado de la documentación

y el administrador de Trump está tratando de deportar a los

inmigrantes según esta regla. ¿Por qué una persona discapacitada

o embarazada no debe solicitar la ciudadanía? Esta es una regla

bárbara e insensible que se disputa actualmente en los tribunales

y la administración Trump no puede ejecutarla por completo.

Para reformar la inmigración, necesitamos separar cada tema y

abordar el proceso de manera humana, dando a todos los inmigrantes

un camino hacia la ciudadanía.

Mi campaña propone tener visas ilimitadas para trabajadores con

identificación con foto disponibles para inmigrantes adultos que

trabajan. Todas las deportaciones y detenciones deben detenerse

de inmediato. Finalmente, la regla de "ser responsable de la carga

pública" debería abolirse para siempre. Con estos cambios promulgados,

cualquier inmigrante puede buscar la ciudadanía pacíficamente y el

camino hacia la ciudadanía nunca se enreda ni se combina con el estado

"ilegal" para alguien que busca la ciudadanía.

En cuanto a nuestra relación con México, debemos ser compañeros en la

lucha contra los carteles con México y tener un acuerdo comercial

individual con México, ya que son uno de nuestros vecinos más cercanos.

Deben ser compañeros cercanos con nosotros y debemos compartir ideas y

tecnología con México como nuestro compañeros comercial número uno.

Smart Guns for Law Enforcement

Smart guns, or RFID technology, should be made available to police across the United States. Smart guns would save more police lives and civilian lives. Police would be less likely to have their weapon taken from them during their work. The technology also monitors usage statistics to keep police honest.

This is a better path than taking away 2nd amendment rights in the United States. Keenan Wallace Dunham is for strong protection of the 2nd amendment for home security.

Opioid Crisis

The Opioid Epidemic has claimed family and friends in my own life and we need to address this issue from a medical stand point and treat the addiction humanely. Prison is not the humane way to treat some one with a medical addiction.

Both prescription and black market abuse of opioids have caused a death toll of Tens of Thousands of deaths in the last decades. Abuse of these drugs has not been addressed as an addiction problem. Law enforcement can do little to stem the tide of prescription abuse and truly Pharmaceutical Companies have to be held accountable for marketing and pushing opioids such as oxycotin on the public.

Most of the public probably has not ever heard of the "War Book" Big Pharma used to push marketing for opioids to doctors, insurance companies and hospitals to basically indoctrinate them into being drug dealers themselves. When a strained medical system is presented with an easy fix like a drug, and costs are perceived to be saved there has to be oversight that the drug is not harmful long term.

This was not done with opioids and thousands were addicted and killed by the drugs. Simple Law Enforcement would not have solved the opioid epidemic and prescriptions to opioids should be limited to small increments.

Also treatment should be the norm for anyone addicted to opioids and prison is not a solution for addiction. All drug use should be decriminalized and any non-violent offender incarcerated only for possession should be released from prison. Big Pharma should have to foot the bill for nationwide drug addiction counseling and treatment. The Federal Government has won lawsuits against Big Pharma and that money should have been used for a national drug addiction hotline and treatment options across the United States.